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A great deal of successful marketing today depends on closely understanding consumer behavior.   As a marketer, you may always be curious to understand what excites or motivates your customers into buying either your products or those of your competitor.



Communicating effectively with customers and delivering the right message to the right people has been one of the major challenges for any marketer since day one.



The Internet brought about a sea change in the science and practice of mass communication and hence the process of marketing itself. But much before common users could take control of the content on the World Wide Web, the way we see it today, there was a time when content creation was the forte of those well-versed in HTML programming and web scripting languages.



However, with the advent of services, such as blogs and social networking sites, the power of mass communication moved to the common user on the Internet.



With 500 million users worldwide, and the numbers growing steeply, Facebook is emerging as one of the strongest mediums, with users getting totally involved in creating more and more content on the website. At any given point in time, millions of conversations take place, with precious customer-related information seeping through each of these, in the most natural way.



Users on Facebook form fan pages and groups pertaining to their interests and form conversations around topics and brands of their interests.   Here are some tips with how a new age brand manager can keep a tab and also build his brand on Facebook.




The possibilities provided by Facebook to reach out to customers are endless, and all of this can be done at minimal cost with maximum impact.

But while doing all of this as a marketer, you need to remember that the customer and you are on a level playing field, with both having equal opportunity to express.  The customer is free to share his positive as well as negative experiences with your brand, which can influence other customers watching your brand carefully.



Facebook can hence help you come face to face with your customers.

It becomes extremely important for you to know how this medium and conversations should be managed.



Get more information here for the best Facebook training available>>>>


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